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Engagement: Payment Plans FAQs
Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over 2 months ago

Questions about sending payment plans

Questions about managing current payment plans

Questions about payment methods

Ready to get started using Payment Plans in Engagement? Click here to follow along with our step-by-step guide!

Questions about sending payment plans

How do I create a payment plan?

Can a patient have multiple payment plans?

A patient can only have one active payment plan at a time. If you attempt to create a payment plan for a patient who already has an existing plan, you'll notice an alert when trying to set up the plan:

If you would like to create a payment plan for a single patient for multiple services, cancel the existing plan and create a new plan with the costs of all services combined into one consolidated payment plan.

Can I send a single payment request to a patient that is already on a payment plan?

Yes, you can still send a patient with an active payment plan single payment requests. Single payment requests will not affect their payment plan balance.

How frequently can I set up patient payments on a payment plan?

Payment frequency for payment plans is currently available on a monthly recurrence only. Daily, weekly, and annual recurring payments for payment plans are not currently available.

Where can I find a copy of the payment plan authorization signed by the patient?

You can find a copy of the signed payment plan authorization in the patient card.

  1. Click on the patient's name to open the patient card, then click on the Communication Log

  2. In the Type column, locate the Payment Plan Activated message and click on Content to expand it

  3. In the body of the message, copy the hyperlink and paste it into a new internet tab to open it

  4. In the new window, enter the patient's date of birth or initials (Note: You can find the patient's DOB in the Details section of the patient card), then click Submit

  5. The signed authorization form will download automatically. Check the Downloads folder on your computer to open it

Questions about managing current payment plans

How do I cancel a payment plan?

  1. To cancel a payment plan, click on the Actions button of the plan

  2. Choose Cancel payment plan

  3. Click Confirm to cancel the plan

Can a payment plan be transferred to a different guarantor?

You cannot transfer an existing payment plan to a different guarantor.

Can I change the payment schedule of an existing payment plan?

You cannot change the payment schedule of an existing payment plan. If you would like to change the payment schedule of an existing plan, cancel the plan and create a new plan with a new first payment date.

Can I add items/services to an existing payment plan?

You cannot add additional items/services to an existing payment plan.

When a payment plan shows a 'failed' status, is that due to a payment transaction failing or the message to the patient failing?

If a payment plan shows as failed, it is because a payment transaction has been declined or has not been successfully processed. A failed status is not related to the payment plan message being delivered to the patient.

Questions about payment methods

How many times will a payment plan attempt to process a card before the plan is marked as failed?

Engagement will continue to attempt to charge the card every morning until the payment is successful. If the payment has failed more than 3 times, cancel the payment plan. Contact the patient and reach out about creating a new payment plan.

What happens if a patient credit card is declined?

If a payment is declined, the patient will also be notified via email that their payment has failed.

To resolve this error, charge the patient's account again by navigating to the Payment plans tab. Click on Actions > Change payment card. Add the new/updated credit card information, then click to Confirm to apply changes. Engagement will immediately attempt to charge the new card again and process the payment.

Why was a patient credit card declined?

A patient credit card may decline for the following reasons:

  • Zip code is incorrect

  • CVV is incorrect

  • Card number incorrect

  • Card has expired

  • Insufficient funds

Physical and virtual terminals will display an error if the card declines during a transaction and will provide the reason for decline.

When does the payment process after updating the credit card on file for a failed payment?

Once the payment method of a payment plan has been updated after a failed payment, payment will be processed immediately.

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