Know the stats behind the vital role Dental Intelligence is playing in your standard operating procedures and patient interaction workflows with Engagement-specific metrics like number of appointments confirmed with Engagement and whether or not your patients had all required forms filled out ahead of their appointments.
Note: If you do not utilize Dental Intelligence Engagement, DI Engagement metrics in Scorecards will not populate data.
In Scorecards, there are currently 23 DI Engagement metrics to choose from:
DI Appointments Online Scheduled
DI Appointments Online Scheduled New Patients
DI Appointments Confirmed
DI Appointments Confirmed %
DI Appointments Confirmed After 1st Try
DI Appointments Confirmed After 2nd Try
DI Appointments Confirmed After 3rd Try
DI Appointments Not Confirmed
DI Forms All Completed before Check-in
DI Forms Average Session Length
DI Forms Completed at Check-in %
DI Forms Outstanding before Check-in
DI Cases Presented
DI Cases Accepted
DI Cases Accepted %
DI Campaign Emails Sent
DI Campaign Emails Opened
DI Campaign Emails Opened %
DI Campaign Emails Link Clicked
DI Campaign Emails Delivered
DI Campaign Emails Delivered %
DI Hygiene Recall Invites Sent
DI Hygiene Recall Appts Scheduled
The easiest way to get a bird's eye view on a variety of these unique stats? Take advantage of our pre-made Dental Intelligence Engagement Performance Scorecard Template.
From the Scorecards dashboard, click on the Scorecard Templates tile
Then, click on the Dental Intelligence Engagement Performance Scorecard
By default, 12 DI Engagement metrics will be selected. Customize the template by choosing which locations you'd like to include, time periods, and trends
When finished, click on the blue Save Changes button, then choose Save as NEW Scorecard
Update the template name (if you'd like). Once saved, click on the purple My Templates tile to view your customized template.