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Performance Board: Unscheduled Patients

This article will discuss what data is being tracked in the Unscheduled Patients Metric

Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over 10 months ago

Click into any section of the Unscheduled Patients pie chart to populate a list of all patients who completed treatment within the selected time frame and are currently unscheduled for any future appointment. These sections include 0-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 12-18 months, 18-36 months.

When selecting a date range on the Performance Board and viewing the Unscheduled Patients pie chart, it's important to understand that it is not a perfect historical record of what that number was in the selected range. It will change based on:

  1. If a patient is deactivated they will no longer count towards the metric (historical and current).

  2. If they previously had an appointment but cancelled the appointment, that historical data would change.

In this same list, you will be able to view their total unscheduled treatment amount to see what production opportunity you have with these patients.

Watch this short video for a walkthrough of how to use this metric:

Unscheduled Patients Metric

Data Review Tools

  1. Click into the trends icon to view view year over year and 90 day trends for your practice

  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon to view the details of the source data that included in that metric

  3. The information icon will give you additional information about this metric

Included Data Points

  • 0 - 6 Months displays all active patients that have had a completed visit within the last 6 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit.

  • 6 - 9 Months includes all active patients that have had a completed visit between the last 6 - 9 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit.

  • 9 - 12 Months includes all active patients that have had a completed visit between the last 9 - 12 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit

  • 12 - 18 Months includes all active patients that have had a completed visit between the last 12 - 18 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients including their last hygiene visit.

  • 18 + Months includes all active patients that have not had a completed visit within the last 18 - 36 months who currently are not scheduled for a future visit. The patient will not show as past due for hygiene if it has been longer 18 months since their last visit. By selecting this pie slice you can see the details of these patients. We do not consider these patients as "Active Patients" (including their last hygiene visit.)

  • Unscheduled Active Patients are patients that have had a completed visit within the last 18 months, a status of active in your Practice Management Software and DO NOT have a future scheduled appointment.

  • Unscheduled Opportunity is taking your Unscheduled Active Patients and multiplying these patients by your Average Hygiene Production per Visit. This gives you an indication of the amount of Production available if you were to schedule these patients for a Hygiene Visit.

  • Est. Annual Opportunity is taking your Unscheduled Active Patients and multiplying these patients by your Average Annual Collections per Active Patient. This gives you an indication as to how much revenue your practice would receive if these patients were actively being seen in your practice.

  • Rescheduled Patients identifies the number of patients that were added back to your schedule within the period selected.

  • Rescheduled Production identifies specifically the production that was added to the scheduled using your Fee Scheduled attached to the ADA Procedure Codes associated with the Rescheduled Patients within the period.

  • Est. Annual Recaptured is taking the Rescheduled Patients and multiplying these patients by your Average Annual Collections per Active Patient. To ensure that you reach or increase this average, it is important to always have a future appointment scheduled for these patients.

  • Follow Ups Due: The Follow Up due column in the source data will only include information if the Follow Up attached to the patient is Unscheduled Treatment, Unscheduled Broken Appt, or Hygiene Recare. Follow Up types that will not show information in the source data are: Past Due Account, Past Due Claim, Post Op, and Other.

How to Inactivate Patients

Refer to the following articles to learn how to properly inactivate patients according to your Practice Management Software:

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