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Fuse: Treatment Acceptance and Diagnostic %

This article discusses how Dental Intelligence calculates Treatment Diagnostic and Acceptance Percentages based on what is entered in Fuse

Grace Richards avatar
Written by Grace Richards
Updated over a year ago

Dental Intelligence measures Diagnostic Percentage, Patient Acceptance and Treatment Acceptance in metrics found in the Performance Board (Restorative/Elective Case & Hygiene Case) as well as the Provider Pulse (Case section)

Case Metric Definitions:

Diagnostic Percentage

When a patient comes into the office they are "diagnosed" when procedures are added to their treatment planner.

What is Acceptance?

A procedure is considered accepted when a patient schedules procedure on an appointment or when is it completed that same day.

Patient Acceptance

When a patient accepts anything that was added to their treatment planner that day (diagnosed), that is a patient acceptance. For example, if 5 procedures were added to their treatment planner and they scheduled 1 of those procedures that would be 100% patient acceptance.

Treatment Acceptance

When a patient accepts procedures that were added to their treatment planner that day (diagnosed), the dollars accepted versus what was presented make up the treatment acceptance. For example, if 5 procedures were added to their treatment planner totaling $1000 and they scheduled 1 of those procedures for $200 that would be 10% treatment acceptance.

Treatment Diagnostic in Fuse:

Treatment Acceptance in Fuse:

Note: As referenced in the video above, Acceptance % in Dental Intelligence tracks treatment that was diagnosed, accepted and scheduled or completed within the Same Day as the appointment

Creating a Treatment Plan / Diagnosing Treatment in Fuse

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Access the patient you will be creating the treatment plan for

  2. Click into the Patient

  3. Select the Clinical drop down menu and click the Treatment Plan option or Select View Treatment Plan button

  4. Then click New Treatment Plan

  5. Here you can add a Name for the treatment plan, add Consents and Attachments, choose Predeterminations from the drop down menus, etc.

  6. Select the current Status of the Treatment plan by selecting the Proposed drop down. Here you can select from the following options: Accepted, Presented, Proposed or Rejected

  7. To choose treatment, click Add Services. This will allow you to search for & select treatments

  8. Click either the Proposed, Preventative Care (Due NA), or New category

  9. Choose the treatment by either selecting the Check Box to add multiple, or select Quick Add next to individual codes

    1. If you select multiple you will need to adjust the Service information and then confirm by selecting Save & Next for each selected service

    2. If you select a single Service you will follow the same steps

  10. Hit Close on the main Add Services tab when you are done

  11. You can add and adjust Stages to additionally organize the Treatment Plan. Do this by selecting the Add Stage button or Delete Stage "#".

  12. These stages and services will push through to Dental Intelligence in the Patient Card Treatment Plan and will track the Diagnosed treatment in the Dental Intelligence Restorative/Elective Case or Hygiene Case metrics

Refer to this article to learn how Dental Intelligence Categorizes Appointment Types:

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