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Open Dental: Treatment Acceptance and Diagnosis

This article will discuss how Dental Intelligence recognizes treatment acceptance and diagnosis in Open Dental

Grace Richards avatar
Written by Grace Richards
Updated over a week ago

Dental Intelligence measures Diagnostic Percentage, Patient Acceptance and Treatment Acceptance Percentage. You can find these metrics in the Provider Pulse, Case Acceptance section:

Continue reading to learn how these metrics are measured!

How does Dental Intelligence Determine These Metrics?

What is Diagnosis? - When a patient comes into the office they are "diagnosed" when procedures are added to their treatment planner. 

Patient Diagnostic % - The percentage of unique patients seen in the practice, and on the day of their appointment, treatment was added to their treatment planner or treatment was not previously scheduled and was completed the same day

What is Acceptance? - A procedure is considered accepted when a patient schedules procedure on an appointment or when is it completed that same day. 

Patient Acceptance % - When a patient accepts anything that was added to their treatment planner that day (diagnosed), that is a patient acceptance. For example, if 5 procedures were added to their treatment planner and they scheduled 1 of those procedures that would be 100% patient acceptance.

Treatment $ Acceptance % - When a patient accepts procedures that were added to their treatment planner that day (diagnosed), the dollars accepted versus what was presented make up the treatment acceptance. For example, if 5 procedures were added to their treatment planner totaling $1000 and they scheduled 1 of those procedures for $200 that would be 10% treatment acceptance.

How Diagnostic % Works in Open Dental

How Patient / Treatment Acceptance % Works in Open Dental 

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