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Analytics: Set Clinical Hours

Learn how to enter and edit Clinical Hours for providers in Analytics

Grace Richards avatar
Written by Grace Richards
Updated over a week ago

One of the most important metrics in Analytics is a provider's Production per Hour. In order to calculate Production per Hour, we need to know how many hours each provider is available to be chair-side with patients. These chair-side hours are referred to as Clinical Hours.

Best Practice: On the first day of the week and the first day of the month, review and ensure that provider scheduled hours are correct for the coming week or month. We recommend assigning a team member to update Clinical Hours daily if necessary.

Only team members with the Limited/Full permissions in Analytics Settings can add or adjust Clinical Hours. Click here to learn how to adjust permissions.

Watch this short video about how to set up Clinical Hours.

Track Providers on the Clinical Hours List

If you do not see Clinical Hours listed in Analytics Settings, you do not have the Settings permission enabled. Reach out to a team member with admin access to enable access for you.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner

  2. Click on Clinical Hours in the left side navigation

  3. If no providers appear or the provider you are looking for does not appear immediately, add the needed provider to the Clinical Hours list by selecting the All Team Members dropdown menu

  4. From the dropdown, click Not Tracked

  5. Click Track Clinical Hours under the name of the needed team members. This will add them to the All Team Members list

  6. Click on the All Team Members dropdown menu again and select All Team Members when you have finished adding your team members. They will now appear in the list

Set Clinical Hours

Now that your providers are being tracked, set their Clinical Hours schedule. Each day for each provider must have time scheduled ("0" entered for days off, and hours/minutes scheduled for the days working).

  1. To add Clinical Hours, locate the provider whose hours you are entering in the list

  2. Click on Schedule button to set their scheduled hours for that day

  3. Add the total number of hours and minutes then set the reoccurrence or how often this Repeats (This Occurrence Only, Every Other Weekday, or Every Weekday)

  4. Click Set Scheduled Hours button

  5. Click the Off button if that provider is off for that day of the week and add the reoccurrence as needed (this will set the scheduled hours to "0")

  6. Click Update Hours

Helpful Tip: To get a good idea of your past performance, enter the previous three months of scheduled hours.

Edit an Existing Schedule

To edit existing Clinical Hours, click on the entered hours on a day and add in the new hours as done before, then click the Set Scheduled Hours button.

Complete this for all users and you're done!

Note: When editing clinical hours, if the clinical hours were set using This Occurrence Only, the only way to overwrite that day's hours is by selecting This Occurrence Only.

Set up Clinical Hours directly from the Provider Pulse

For added convenience, you can set and manage provider hours directly from the Provider Pulse.

  1. Click on the speedometer icon and then click Provider Pulse

  2. Click on a metric to review provider data. Then, click on the clock icon in a provider section to get started

  3. Adjust the date range if needed by clicking on the calendar button. If a provider does not have their schedule set yet, click Track Clinical Hours to create the provider schedule

  4. Now you can go ahead and schedule the provider's clinical hours or mark time off

  5. If a provider has an existing schedule, click on the time clock below each date to make edits to their schedule

Actual Hours vs. Scheduled Hours

The reason we have Scheduled Hours ("Clinical Hours") is so that we can set accurate production per hour goals for each provider. With the schedule set, we can automatically calculate daily, weekly, monthly production goals.

DO NOT CHANGE SCHEDULED CLINICAL HOURS (unless the provider is scheduled for different hours on a particular day).

If a provider comes into the office at 8:00 am and leaves the office at 5:00 pm, that is a 9 hour day. Yet, this provider had a 1 hour lunch and a 2 hour meeting with the team. The provider is scheduled for 6 Clinical Hours.

Enter in the number of hours that each provider is scheduled for production. Every day must be scheduled or set to zero hours.

Actual Hours are intended to be updated day to day if there were differences in the time scheduled and the actual hours worked. This helps to ensure metrics and statistics are as accurate as possible.

Want to learn more? Click here to read more about the difference between scheduled hours and actual hours.

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