In Engagement's Online Scheduling, you will now be able to create Custom Scheduling Links. Doing this will enable you and your team to send individual scheduling links for specific service types, allowing more control over what each patient is able to schedule.
Refer to the following article to learn how to set up Custom Scheduling Links and send Invitations to Schedule
If you are a part of a DSO or are a multiple location practice, refer to our Group-Level Services article here to learn how to match and connect your service types.
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How to Create Custom Scheduling Links
Access Settings in the Online Scheduling tab
Select the Custom scheduling links tab, then, click Create link
This will require the following fields to be filled:
Select the Practices that this appointment type can be scheduled with. If you do not have multiple practice locations simply select your singular practice
Select the Practice-level service types you would like to enable to be scheduled with this link (multiple can be selected). Please note: You cannot create custom scheduling links until practice-level service types are created. Learn more here
Select the Providers that will be scheduled for these appointments
Enter in a customized URL Name. We recommend this be related to the service types selected to help you remember what the scheduling link should be used for
Add a Header name (optional). Header names are displayed in the upper left corner of the online scheduling experience and make it easier for patients to know what service they are scheduling. If left blank, the practice/group name will be displayed
If you would like the scheduling link to include fields related to the patient's insurance information (Primary Insurance, Member ID, and Group Number), select the Request insurance information checkbox (Note: If this selection does not show, it is because the insurance request setting has been disabled in General Settings. Learn more about online scheduling General Settings here).
Click Create to finish
Note: To prevent incorrect information from being added to a patient's chart, we do not write back insurance details that the patient enters when scheduling online. This is to prevent incorrectly entered Group ID/Member ID details from flagging patients as ineligible, etc.
Sharing Scheduling Links
Now that you have created your Custom Scheduling Links you can send these to individual patients, add these links to your templates or even add the links to buttons on your website. Simply click the Copy icon next to the custom URL name: