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Analytics: Customizing the Ticker

This article will discuss how to customize which metrics appear in your Ticker Bar.

Sam Miller avatar
Written by Sam Miller
Updated over a year ago

The Ticker Bar at the top of the Performance and Collections dashboards, is a great way to quickly see key performance indicators and their associated trends!

The Ticker Bar contains up to 13 metrics along the top of the dashboards.

To scroll through the Ticker Bar in either direction, click the arrows located on the far left and right side of the Ticker:

All metrics on the Ticker Bar also have an information icon as well as a trends icon that can be clicked on to view additional details regarding the metric:

  1. Click on the information icon for detailed definitions and written explanation about the metric.

  2. Click on the bar icon to view year over year and 90 day trends for your practice.

Customize Ticker Bar Metrics

  1. To change which metrics show in the Ticker, click on View/Edit Performance Metrics to rearrange the tiles

  2. Click Edit Metrics, then click on the + icon to add metrics to the Ticker

  3. Click on the trash can icon to remove metrics from the Ticker

  4. When finished, click Finish Editing to apply your changes, or choose Reset to Default to revert changes

Toggle Ticker Bar Metrics On/Off in Settings

You can customize which of the 13 ticker metrics appear by following the steps below.

Note: If you do not see Settings as an option, this means you have not been granted access to edit settings. Please reach out to your administrative team member to make the needed changes or adjust your permissions.

  1. Access Settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner

  2. Selecting the Dashboards section of the Settings menu and then selecting Ticker Options

  3. Now you can see all available metrics for the Ticker Bar. To adjust which metrics appear on your Ticker Bar you can toggle the switch icon next to any of the metrics, a green switch means that metric will appear on your Ticker:

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