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Fuse: Reports

This article will show you how to run an accurate report in Fuse that will match Dental Intelligence metrics

Grace Richards avatar
Written by Grace Richards
Updated over a week ago

Fuse has a number of reports that can be run to derive production, collection, and adjustment numbers. These reports can also be run in several different ways. We do NOT recommend running reports using an β€œPosted Date” period. The Posted Date is for a specific purpose and after changes are made in Fuse, it will not show the present, actual state of the data.

Running a Production Report in Fuse

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Access the Reports feature by hovering over the Business tab

  2. In the Search Bar below the Create Custom Report button, search for the Daily Production/Collection Summary report

  3. This will open a new window where you can apply the filters on the left hand side of the screen

  4. Apply the needed filters for Locations, Provider Types, Providers, and Date Range

    1. If you want to run a Production report for the whole practice, select all providers and provider types in the filter options

    2. If you would like to run a Production report for a specific provider select the check box of the provider in the Providers drop down menu

  5. Once you get to the View Transaction By filter, select the Service Date

  6. Click Apply Filters

  7. View report

Accessing Production Metrics in Dental Intelligence

Viewing Practice Production in Dental Intelligence:

When running the report with all providers or provider types selected, this will reflect the Practice's Production and Adjustments as seen on the Performance Board in the Production metric for the same range of dates.

The Collections Board will show Collections for that same period.

Viewing Provider Production in Dental Intelligence:

When running the report for a single or specific providers you can verify this data in the Provider Pulse - Production tab.

Select the correct date range using the calendar in the top left corner of the Provider Pulse. You can select the specific Providers you would like to view in the Providers drop down menu or view the Provider Type by selecting the Role drop down menu. In the Production Type drop down, select either Gross Production or Net Production by Procedure Date.

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