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Analytics: Provider Scorecards
Analytics: Provider Scorecards

Learn how to create and manage provider scorecards in Analytics

Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over 3 months ago

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Important note: You must be a user with full or limited access to view Scorecards. You can only view providers from locations that you have access to.

For assistance with user permissions, please see our Permissions guide here.

A note about mapping providers

If a warning symbol appears next to a provider ID shown in a Scorecard, it indicates the provider is unmapped and should be mapped to a new or existing user in Dental Intelligence. If a provider is not listed in your Scorecard but you know that they have an existing Dental Intelligence account, they need a provider ID code attached to their account. Click here to learn more about mapping providers.

Create a New Provider Scorecard

  1. Single locations: Click on the Dashboards icon in the left side menu and then click Scorecards

  2. Multi-location or DSOs: Click on the DSO Dashboards icon, then click on Scorecards

  3. To create a new scorecard from scratch, click on the blue + Create Scorecard button in the upper right corner

  4. Enter the scorecard name

  5. Click on the Type dropdown and choose Providers. Then click, Create scorecard

  6. Once the scorecard has been created, the following default settings are automatically applied:

    • Providers: All providers from the practice you're logged into will be selected

    • Metrics: Gross Production and Scheduled Production

    • Time Period: Last week

    • Trend: Trailing weeks

    • For previous: 3 weeks

  7. If you want to modify currently selected providers, click on Providers. Click on All roles to filter providers by their main title role, or click the Active only toggle on to show only active providers

  8. Click on the checkbox next to the practice name to deselect all providers. Click the checkbox next to each provider's name to select/deselect individuals

  9. To change the default settings, click on the dropdown lists available for the Metrics, Time Range, and Comparison options. Be sure to click the blue Apply button to save your selections and generate an updated scorecard

  10. If desired, modify the order of the metrics shown by clicking on the metric header, then dragging and dropping it

  11. Compare trends and historical data by time periods by clicking on the expanding arrow next to the provider name

    In the drilldown of each provider, you can view:

    ➤Time period trends
    ➤Procedure codes
    ➤Referral sources

  12. Quickly expand all available provider data by clicking on the arrow in the Provider column header

  13. To view goal progress, hover over the red or green goal indicators to see the value of the goal as it has been set

  14. Modify how goals and trends show up on your scorecard by clicking on the Settings button. Choose to turn goals/trends on or off, then click Apply

  15. Click on the report icon to expand visualizations of each selected metric or drilldown

  16. In addition to reviewing visualized data by clicking on the report icons, you can also jump to a visualizations only view by clicking on the Visualize Time Period and Visualize Trends tabs

  17. The Visualize Time Period tab makes it easy to communicate and present data without the need for multiple complex spreadsheets. Hover over each bar graph to quickly view the details of each selected metric and goal (if set)

  18. The Visualize Trends tab is a great tool that you can use to visually compare successes and/or struggles among providers. Hover over over each data point to quickly view the details of the selected metric. Click on the provider name to hide/show the trend line from the presentation

  19. When finished applying your selections, click the blue Save changes button in the upper right corner and choose Save changes, then click Confirm

Important note: Scorecards are unique to your user account and will not be seen by other users at your practice unless you share the scorecard with them. Click here to learn how to share scorecards.

Use the Scorecards AI Assistant and get additional insights

Click on the robot icon in the upper right corner to chat with your Scorecards AI Assistant and get AI-powered insights for the selected scorecard.

Click here to learn more about using the Scorecards AI Assistant.

Revise an Existing Provider Scorecard

  1. Click on the scorecard to open it

  2. To rename a scorecard, click on the pencil icon near the scorecard name

  3. To make changes to scorecard data, use the search bar to locate desired selections, then simply deselect or select a location or metric and click the blue Apply button to generate new results

  4. If you would like to save the changes you've made to the scorecard, click on the blue Save changes button and choose to either Save changes or Save as new scorecard

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