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Eaglesoft: Breaking Appointments

This article will discuss how Dental Intelligence tracks cancellations and no-shows in Eaglesoft

Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over a year ago

In order to accurately track your broken appointment metrics in Analytics, you must categorize the appointments correctly within Eaglesoft.

In Eaglesoft, choose from the following options to most accurately break the appointment:




Marking an appointment as 'cancelled' in Eaglesoft will count towards the Cancellations metric in Analytics.

Marking an appointment as 'missed' in Eaglesoft will count towards the No-Shows metric in Analytics.

Marking an appointment as 'neither' in Eaglesoft will not be counted as a broken appointment in Analytics.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT delete the Quick Fill list. Eaglesoft will erase all history of broken appointments.

If you want cancelations and no-shows to show up in our dashboard, you must leave the ‘Add to Quick Fill List’ option checked.

Breaking appointments through this process allows Dental Intelligence to accurately update your schedule and track your Cancellations and No-Shows metrics. This provides visibility in areas that can be improved upon or even allows you to identify trends in the data!

Refer to this article to learn more about Cancellations & No-Shows Metrics.

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