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Dentrix: Breaking Appointments

Track cancellations and no-shows in Dentrix

Sam Miller avatar
Written by Sam Miller
Updated over 10 months ago

In Dentrix, you must use the "break appointment" function to properly track Cancellations and No-Shows in Analytics. 

Analytics will calculate these metrics based off the time stamp of when the appointment is broken in Dentrix.

  • If the appointment is broken within 24 hours, it will be attributed to the No-Show metric.

  • Any appointment broken prior to 24 hours of the original appointment will be attributed to the Cancellations metric.

Watch this short video to learn how to properly break appointments in Dentrix:

Hint: If you remove appointments that have been broken from the Unscheduled List in Dentrix, they won't show up in the Cancellations or No Shows metrics in Dental Intelligence.

Breaking appointments through this process allows Dental Intelligence to accurately update your schedule and track your Cancellations and No-Show metrics. This provides visibility in areas that can be improved upon or even allows you to identify trends in the data!

Refer to this article to learn more about Cancellations and No-Show metrics.

A note for Dentrix users:

Why are new patients not showing up in the No-Show metric?

Dentrix allows you to make appointments without connecting them to a patient's full record, so sometimes only basic info like the patient's name is used. The appointments with missing patient names in the data are cases where the appointment has not been linked to a full patient record.

One solution to this is to include the patient’s name in the appointment record for the cases where it is not linked to a patient instead of leaving it empty. However, you will not being able to click the patient’s name in the No-Show metric source data to open the Patient Card because we don’t have an exact reference to the patient.

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