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LocalMed: Review Center

Manage patient reviews for your practice in the LocalMed Review Center

Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over a week ago

Utilize the integrated Review Center within LocalMed to stay on top of patient reviews and track review site clicks for your practice.

Send Review Requests

Send review requests to patients through your LocalMed dashboard in just a few clicks.

  1. Click on Reviews in the left side menu of LocalMed

  2. Locate the practice that you would like to send out a review from in the Offices section of your dashboard. Click the Send Review Request button

  3. Click on the Patient dropdown to choose the patient you would like to send a review to (Tip: Use the search bar to find a specific patient quickly)

  4. Choose to send the review via text or email

  5. Choose the delivery time (Now, 15 minutes, 60 minutes)

  6. Click Send Review Request to finish

View All Reviews

Open Reviews

Reviews with negative feedback will be posted in the Open Reviews section of your dashboard. These are posted at the top of your dashboard so that you can quickly open each review and respond and/or contact the patient.

Click on the eye icon next to the patient's name to read the review details and get access to the patient file, where you'll find their phone number and email address.

Once you've attempted to contact the patient or are able to resolve the issue(s), you can mark the review as read. Click the blue Mark as Responded button.

View All

If you'd like to see all LocalMed reviews, click View All LocalMed Reviews in the Open LocalMed Reviews section of your dashboard.

Use the filters available on the righthand side of the page to filter reviews by:

  • Office location

  • Sent date

  • Negative/positive review

  • Status (Open, No Action Needed, Responded)

Once you've made your selections, click Filter to apply and populate a list based on your criteria.

Now you can click on the eye icon to read the review details and get access to the patient file, where you'll find their phone number and email address.

Once you've attempted to contact the patient or are able to resolve the issue(s), you can mark the review as read. Click the blue Mark as Responded button.

Recent Review Highlights

Check out recent reviews of your practice and read all the good things patients are saying about your practice(s)!

Edit Review Settings

If you need to update or add review sites to your LocalMed account, please reach out to us at (888) 203-7531 for assistance.

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