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Analytics: How Hygiene Interval is Calculated
Analytics: How Hygiene Interval is Calculated

Where does the "Hygiene Due Date" I see across Dental Intelligence come from?

Sam Miller avatar
Written by Sam Miller
Updated over 7 months ago

Every practice management software has a different way of tracking when your Hygiene patients are due for their next prophy or perio maintenance. Many of them allow you to set multiple recall intervals, or recare dates, for different procedures that need to be done.

In an attempt to simplify this information and give you the most relevant information first, we show only one due date per patient.

The first thing we need to determine about a patient to decide when they are due for hygiene, is whether or not they are a perio patient. If a patient has ever had perio procedures done, no matter how long ago, Dental Intelligence considers them a "Perio Patient" and we will give them a perio hygiene interval.

The interval itself can come from the practice management system, and there are also some default intervals if we can't find one that we think applies. We first look for a patient-specific interval that applies, with the word "prophy" in the name of the interval, for prophy patients, or "perio" for perio patients. If we can't find a patient-specific interval, we look for a general practice interval set up in your practice management system with the same terminology.

Failing all of that, we default to 181 days for prophy patients, and 120 days for perio patients.

Dentrix users: Analytics pulls the recall due date from the continuing care section on the patient chart in Dentrix.

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