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Follow Up Tasks: How to Use Automatic Follow Ups

Learn how to set up the Auto Follow Ups feature in the Analytics module

Grace Richards avatar
Written by Grace Richards
Updated over 5 months ago

Dental Intelligence will manage your patient activity for you and automatically notify the team member you have assigned when you want them to follow up! Use Auto Follow Ups to make sure you never lose track of a patient again.

In this article, you'll learn more about:

Before you get started, watch this short video:

This is part of the Analytics Module. If you are interested in learning more, CLICK HERE to request a demo!

How to Enable Auto Follow Ups

  1. Access Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner

    Note: If you do not see Settings or the Follow Ups option, this means you have not been granted permission to these features in your user profile. Refer to an admin team member to enable these for you or work with them to complete the steps below.

  2. Click on Follow Up Tasks in the left side menu, then click Follow Up Task Settings

  3. Click on the Follow Up type you would like to enable

  4. Fill in the required fields:

    1. First, enable the auto follow up by selecting the toggle button

    2. Enter in the time frame and requirements for each follow up type. These will differ; refer to the rule preview to ensure it matches your preferences

    3. Choose to automatically complete manually created Follow Up Tasks. Toggle this setting on or off based on your preferences

    4. Choose to automatically delete Follow Up Tasks that are past due. Enter the period of time past due that the tasks should be deleted

  5. Click Next

  6. Select who will be Assigned or responsible for the Follow Up Task type. The assignee options are as follows:

    1. Unassigned: The follow up task will not be assigned to any user and will be categorized as "Unassigned"

      Role: Here you will be able to select from the existing roles within the office. If there is a team member with that role selected in their settings, they will be assigned to the follow up task. If there are multiple team members this applies to, the follow ups will be assigned in a round robin order to help evenly distribute the workload

    2. Team Member: Here you will be able to select from the existing user profiles created for your team members. If you select multiple team members, the follow ups will be assigned in a round robin order to help evenly distribute the workload

    3. Appointment Providers: This is determined by the type of Auto Follow Up Task, refer to the next section to learn more about these criteria

  7. Click Save

Follow Up Task Types & Definitions

Through settings, you can identify the team member(s) that will receive these notifications and when you want the notification delivered.

Follow Ups Type


Appointment Confirmations

Appointment Confirmation Auto Follow Ups will notify you when a patient has not confirmed their appointment.

This will create a follow-up for patient that has an appointment that does not have "confirmed" as a stand-alone word in the status description of the appointment.

Important Information:

  • If the follow up is not completed and the day of the appointment has passed, the follow-up will be removed.

  • Review your appointment status configuration in your practice management system to be sure that the stand alone word "confirmed" is in the description of each status you use for confirmation, included electronic confirmations.

Hygiene Recare

Hygiene Recare Auto Follow Ups will notify you when a patient has not scheduled their Hygiene Appointment.

You can choose to set a Follow Up reminder to occur before or after the Hygiene Due Date, or after the Previous Hygiene Appointment.

The biggest cause for patient attrition is simply not rescheduling their future Hygiene appointment. Hygiene Recare Follow Ups will ensure that you never lose track of these patients.

Important Information:

  • If a hygiene appointment has been scheduled for the patient, Analytics will automatically close the follow-up.

  • If a hygiene appointment is broken, this follow-up will show up as an Unscheduled Broken Appointment.

Unscheduled Broken Appointment

Unscheduled Broken Appointment Auto Follow Ups will notify you when a patient has broken an appointment and is no longer scheduled.

Rescheduling broken appointments is one of the fastest ways to keep your schedule full, increase your production and ensure that the patient is receiving their needed treatment.

Learn how to break an appointment in your practice management software: Dentrix, Eaglesoft, Open Dental

Important Information:

  • If a broken appointment is rescheduled, Analytics will complete that auto follow up

  • If the follow-up is removed, you will not be notified again to follow-up on this broken appointment

  • If the patient already has another appointment scheduled, Analytics will not automatically generate an Unscheduled Broken Appointment Follow Up

  • Analytics will not create an Unscheduled Broken Appointment Follow Up for a broken hygiene appointment if the patient has never completed a hygiene or perio appointment before

Unscheduled Treatment

Unscheduled Treatment Follow Ups will notify you when a patient has not scheduled their restorative treatment.

Practices have achieved a 17% average increase in treatment acceptance when using this solution.

Important Information:

  • Analytics will create unscheduled treatment follow ups that fit the criteria you have set. It will also create unscheduled treatment follow ups for hygiene procedures; "D1351", "D1353", "D4341", "D4342", "D4355", "D4381", "D4921", "D5994", "D4220", "D4346", "D6081" that also fit the criteria you have set.

  • If a patient already has an appointment scheduled, Analytics will not create an Unscheduled Treatment Follow Up. Please note: Unscheduled treatment follow-ups will only be closed if the future appointment is not hygiene.

  • If an appointment is scheduled for a patient that already has an Unscheduled Treatment Follow Up, Analytics will complete that auto follow up.

  • Follow Ups only consider the patient as seen at the office based on the "Visit" logic. Click here to learn more about the differences between seen and visit metrics. This logic ONLY affects Unscheduled Treatment Follow Ups, since they are the only type that is based on when the patient had an appointment.

Past Due Account

Past Due Accounts Auto Follow Ups will notify you on the day a patient's balance is past due, enabling you to immediately take action.

Important Information: If a patient is no longer fits the Past Due criteria you have set, Analytics will complete that auto follow up for you.

Past Due Claims

Past Due Claims Auto Follow Ups will notify you on the day a claim is past due, enabling you to immediately take action.

Important Information:

  • If a patient is no longer fits the Past Due criteria you have set, Analytics will complete that auto follow up for you.

  • Completed Past Due Claims Follow Ups are not tracked in the Follow Ups Results page. This is because claims are not under the control of the practice. The history of the follow up will still be tracked in the Patient Card Activity.

How does Dental Intelligence identify which providers are assigned to Auto Follow Up Tasks?

The "Appointment Providers" assignee option is determined by the type of Auto Follow Up Task:

Unscheduled Treatment Follow Up Tasks

We will analyze the treatment that is unscheduled for each individual patient that matches the auto follow up criteria. If we find any restorative procedures, we look for the last completed non-hygiene appointment and assign the follow up to the restorative provider on that appointment. If the only unscheduled treatment is hygiene, we get the last completed hygiene appointment and use the first hygienist attached to that appointment.

Appointment Confirmation Follow Up Tasks

We look at the next future appointment for each individual patient that matches the auto follow up criteria. If it is of type hygiene, we use the first hygienist attached to that appointment. Otherwise, we use the first restorative provider attached to it.

Hygiene Recare Follow Up Tasks

We look at the last completed hygiene appointment and use the first hygienist attached to that appointment for each individual patient that matches the auto follow up criteria.

Unscheduled Broken Appointment Follow Up Tasks

We look at the latest broken appointment for each individual patient that matches the auto follow up criteria. If its hygiene - we use the first hygienist attached to that broken appointment. Otherwise, we will grab the first restorative provider attached to that broken appointment

Ongoing Use

Using Follow Up Tasks Daily

Ready to start using Follow Up Tasks? Check out this article to learn how!

Tracking Task Results

Once the team is using Follow Up Tasks, you can track individual or team performance. See how much value you're bringing back into the practice by using Follow Up Tasks. Check out this article to learn how!

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