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Engagement: Forms and Consents FAQs
Engagement: Forms and Consents FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about editing, preparing, and sending forms and consents to patients

Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over 8 months ago

Questions about editing forms and consents

Questions about Health History mapping and alerts

Questions about automation

Questions about sending forms

Questions about signing forms

Questions about completed forms

Questions about editing forms and consents

Can I create a new form from scratch?

If you need to create a completely new form from scratch, you'll need to contact Dental Intelligence Support by submitting a forms ticket. Upload your form(s) as a Word Document (.doc or .docx). Please allow 5 business days for your customization request to be completed.

Click here to submit a Forms Ticket to DI Support!

How do I make changes to forms and consents?

As an Admin user with the Forms and Consents Editor setting permissions enabled in Engagement, you can make the following changes to existing forms:

  • Modify form field names

  • Modify form field verbiage

  • Add new form fields

  • Mark form fields as required/not required

  • Delete or hide form fields

  • Add/remove placeholders in body copy

  • Add new pages in existing forms

To start making changes:

  1. Open Settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner

  2. Click on the Forms tab

    1. To edit Spanish Language forms, simply click the Select Language drop down menu and choose Spanish

  3. Select the Edit tool pencil icon of the form you would like to edit (Important note: If you're an admin user and you don't see the pencil icon, please contact Support)

Click here to learn more about how to edit a form.

Click here to learn more about editing consents.

How do I add a consent page to an existing form?

To add a consent page to an existing form:

  1. From within the Forms Editor, click on the + New button in the left side Page navigation menu to add a new page

  2. Enter the new page title and then click Create

  3. From the Pages navigation menu, click on the six-dot menu to change the order of the new page in the form. Then click on Add question (+) button and choose Consent from the dropdown menu

  4. Add the title, agreement type, and body copy by typing your own or copying and pasting it from an existing consent.

  5. Select Publish at the top right hand side of your screen when changes are complete

Can I make changes to my New Patient Packet?

Yes, you can customize the forms that are included in your New Patient Packet.

  1. Click on the Settings gear in the upper right corner and then click on the Forms tab

  2. Review the forms types listed in the Forms preview section. In the New patients column, click on the ☑ checkbox to include the form in the New Patient packet

  3. Once you have selected the New Patient forms you would like included, scroll to the bottom of the Forms tab and be sure to click the blue Save button to apply your changes

Can I add patient name and DOB to the top of all of my forms/consents?

Patient names and their date of birth are added to the top of every form PDF after it is submitted by the patient for your convenience.

Why are our English forms different from the Spanish version?

The English version of your form is most likely different from the Spanish version because you have customized your English form and have not updated your Spanish form to match. Engagement forms do not automatically translate so both versions have to be adjusted for them to continue matching after changes are made.

How do I add multiple tooth numbers to an automated consent?

Any tooth number associated with the D-Code will be included on the consent. For example, if you have tooth number 1 and 2 associated with a procedure, tooth number 1 and 2 will automatically be added to one consent.

Questions about Health History mapping and alerts

Can I customize my Health History form?

Changes to your Health History forms must be submitted to Dental Intelligence Support for assistance to ensure that medical alerts are not impacted.

Click here to submit a Forms Ticket to DI Support!

How do I map Health History medical alerts?

You can manually map Health History medical alerts in Engagement Settings > Forms. Scroll down and click the Edit Mapping button under the Alerts Mapping section.

Review each alert type and the corresponding field. Make changes by entering the alert and ID number.

Or, you can utilize Engagement's auto-mapping feature. Just make sure to review each section and ensure the selections for the alerts are accurate. Click here to learn more about mapping alerts.

Can I auto-map medical alerts from my Health History form?

Yes, you can auto-map medical alerts within Engagement. Once you have added the new Medical Alerts in your practice management software and the overnight sync has been completed in Engagement, follow the Auto Map process outlined below.

  1. Click on your Engagement Settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner

  2. Select the Forms tab

  3. Scroll down and click the Edit Mapping button under the Alerts Mapping section

  4. Select the Auto Mapping button (it may take a few minutes to process the request)

    1. If you have Open Dental, as you select the Auto Map button, you will see a pop-up notification that provides the option to enable a Create Missing Alerts in PMS check box. This will allow Engagement [Modento] to create any alerts that do not yet exist in Open Dental

Once your request has been processed, we recommend you go through each section and ensure the selections for the alerts are accurate. Click here to learn more about mapping alerts.

Why aren't medical alerts writing back into my practice management software?

If you notice that certain medical alerts aren't writing back, check to ensure that you have mapped the alert type and that the patient didn't type the answer in. Alerts can only be created if the patient selects an option from a drop down list or says YES to a yes/no question.

How do I disable medical alerts from being automatically created?

If you would like to disable certain medical alerts from being auto-created, please reach out to Dental Intelligence support with the alert type(s) you do not want being automatically created.

Click here to submit a Forms Ticket to DI Support!

When are my patients due for a Health History update?

Depending on the number of months you have entered in Settings > Forms > Medical History updates, that is when your patients will be triggered to complete an updated Health History form.

When Engagement is installed and does not know when the last medical history update was received, the system will assume it happened on a patient's last visit before Engagement was installed for your practice (to determine when patient is due for update). Please contact Dental Intelligence Support if you would like ALL patients to be due for Engagement Health History form update.

Eaglesoft users: Engagement will pull the date that patients last completed the Health History form based on what is entered in Eaglesoft.

Questions about automation

Can I turn off automated forms?

Yes, if you do not want forms to be sent to new and existing patients with automated appointment communications, deselect the checkbox next to "Online patient forms enabled" and click Save on the Forms page in Settings.

To change this setting, go to Settings > Forms. Click here to learn more about changing automated forms rules.

Which automated communications include forms?

Once forms have been automated with rules, these forms will be sent with specific automated appointment communication messages when they are enabled in your Settings. Here is a list of the automated appointment communication messages that will include forms:

  • Welcome notifications

  • Save-the-date

  • Check-in request notifications

  • Appointment reminders

Can I update the frequency of when forms are automatically sent?

Yes. With online patient forms enabled, you can update the frequency of when forms are sent to patients in Settings.

Due dates are based off of the last time the patient submitted the form in Engagement (except the Health History form). This means all existing patients will be asked to fill out any form that is required at any frequency at their next appointment.

From the Forms tab in Settings, Click the drop down menu in the Existing Patients column and select the desired rule for the selected form.

How do I update the verbiage that is included with automatically sent forms?

You can update the verbiage of the messages that are sent to patients along with automated forms in Settings. From Settings, click on the Verbiage tab.

Update the following messages that include forms:

Appointment Scheduled - welcome new patient (form filling prompt email):

Appointment Scheduled - "save the date" for existing patient (online forms update prompt email):


  • Follow up text message asking to fill the new patient forms

  • Follow up text message asking to update personal information or fill required forms

  • Reminder email online forms filling prompt, if any required forms are missing

Form filling request (text and/or email included with manually requested forms):

Click into each message type to view the content that is included. These will be separated as text messages, emails, and app messages. We recommend you keep these similar to maintain consistency when communicating with patients.

To edit these, simply select the Pencil icon.

Why are patients still receiving forms requests after they've already completed paperwork?

If a patient is still receiving messages notifying them that they have outstanding paperwork even thought they've already completed the forms/consents on paper or through another system, check to make sure that their required forms have been marked as completed in Engagement.

If a patient completed physical forms that are not showing up as completed in Engagement, you can quickly mark the forms as completed in the patient card.

  1. Click on the patient's name to open the patient card

  2. Hover over the paperwork icon to see a list of outstanding forms, based off of the required forms your practice has set up

  3. Click on the icon to quickly load all outstanding forms. If the patient has already filled these out, you can mark required forms as completed by clicking on the pen icon next to each and entering in the date that they were completed

Questions about sending forms

How do I send a form/consent to a patient in Spanish?

To send a form in Spanish to a patient:

  1. In Engagement, click on the 3-dot menu next to the patient name

  2. Choose Forms, then Prepare forms and consents

  3. Select the delivery channel

    1. If sending to a kiosk, select the device. We also recommend selecting "Authorize kiosk access with patient initials" for added security.

  4. Select the forms you would like to send

  5. Choose Spanish as the preferred language to send the selected forms in Spanish, if available

  6. Click Send & Close

Learn more about preparing and sending forms in Spanish:

We are a pediatric office. How can I make sure all of my patients are getting the minor forms?

If you would prefer that the default form sent to all patients be the minor version (rather than the default adult version), please chat with Dental Intelligence Support and request that your minor forms be copied to your default forms.

Questions about signing forms

Can multiple providers sign forms?

No, multiple providers and patients cannot sign the same form. Only one provider and one patient signature is available per form.

Why does it ask if the patient or parent/guardian is signing when the form/consent is for adults only?

Engagement forms and consents require a signature in order to be submitted. Before a user can execute the signature field, they must make a selection that designates who is signing the form/consent. The options for the designation are Patient or Parent/Guardian.

This setting is applied by default:

If you would like to change this setting and disable the mandatory Signing as designation, reach out to our support team with the list of forms/consents that you would like updated. Once updated, those forms/consents will only ask the patient for a signature signature and the patient or parent/guardian designation selection will not be required.

Can I make changes to a form after it has been signed?

Once you sign a document, it's set in stone – no edits or deletes allowed. But if something is unsigned, you can easily delete it with a right-click in the recent docs. You can also tidy things up by renaming or sorting docs into groups within your practice management software.

Questions about completed forms

How do I manually mark forms as completed?

If a patient completed physical forms that are not showing up as completed in Engagement, you can quickly mark the forms as completed in the patient card.

  1. Click on the patient's name to open the patient card

  2. Hover over the paperwork icon to see a list of outstanding forms, based off of the required forms your practice has set up

  3. Click on the icon to quickly load all outstanding forms. If the patient has already filled these out, you can mark required forms as completed by clicking on the pen icon next to each and entering in the date that they were completed

Where do completed forms write back in my practice management software?

By default, we write back to the most common folder naming convention for each form. Depending on the type of software your practice utilizes, forms and consents are set up to write back into certain areas within your practice management software:

  • Eaglesoft: Forms and consents will upload in SmartDocs

  • Open Dental: Forms and consents will upload into Images

  • Dentrix: Forms and consents will upload into the Document Center

If you would like forms going to specific folders in your practice management software, please reach out to Dental Intelligence Support or speak with your Onboarding Specialist and they can make those adjustments for you. Please include the form(s) name next to the specific folder in your PMS that you would like it to write back to.

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