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June 2024 Product Updates

This article includes all of the exciting updates we have made to our products as part of our June 2024 release.

Erika Gardner avatar
Written by Erika Gardner
Updated over a week ago


Engagement Payments



NEW! Add/remove online scheduling link in automated recall messages

Now you can choose whether or not you'd like to include your online scheduling link in automated recall messages sent to patients. Just select or deselect the "Add the online scheduling link" checkbox in Settings > Practice Setup > Recalls.

DSO: Copy practice settings from Organization Setup tab

Copy and paste settings from one practice to another in just a few clicks! If you're a multi-location user or part of a DSO, navigate to the Organization Setup tab in Settings to get started.

Engagement Payments

NEW! Save a card for future payments in the Patient Portal

The Payments tab in the Patient Portal allows patients to make a secure payment online for any outstanding balances related to their account. Now, when a patient adds a new card, they can also choose to save the card for future payments.


Scorecards AI Assistant

Introducing the Scorecards AI Assistant! This new AI-integration offers invaluable insights into practice and provider performance by analyzing data trends and metrics for you within your unique scorecard.

Open any scorecard and click on the lightbulb icon to get started. Then, choose a pre-populated question or ask your own, and watch as it efficiently compares various aspects of the current dataset, providing actionable intelligence to enhance operational efficiency and find opportunities for growth.

NEW! Scorecards Metrics

We've added a few new metrics to Location and Provider Scorecards! The following month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date metrics are now available:

  • Production

    • Gross

    • Net Procedure Date

    • Net Entry Date

    • Estimated Net Production

  • Visits

  • New Patients

In addition, the New Patients Missing Referral Source metric is also available.

Updated: Renamed Scorecards Metrics

We've renamed certain metrics in Scorecards to enhance search functionality and navigation. If you were utilizing one of these metrics previously, you'll notice that the metric has been automatically renamed in your scorecard(s) dashboard.

Have questions about which metrics were impacted? Check out the list of renamed metrics here.

NEW! Same Day Collection Metric in the Provider Pulse

We've added a new Collection metric to the Provider Pulse. The Same Day Collection metric measures the total amount of money received from patients at the time of their visit, specifically on the day they complete their treatment. This can include payments for past treatments, the current day’s treatment, and any future treatments. It focuses solely on direct patient payments and does not account for insurance reimbursements.

Tracking Same Day Collection is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Optimizes Cash Flow: By collecting payments immediately after treatment, practices ensure a steady and prompt inflow of cash, which helps maintain healthy financial operations.

  2. Reduces Accounts Receivable (AR) Days: Immediate collections help decrease the number of days that payments are outstanding, thereby improving the practice’s overall AR turnover rate.

  3. Minimizes Past Due AR: Encouraging patients to pay on the same day reduces the likelihood of overdue accounts, ensuring that the practice spends less time and resources on follow-up collections.

  4. Enhances Patient Responsibility: Collecting payments at the time of service reinforces the importance of timely payments, fostering a sense of financial responsibility among patients.

  5. Streamlines Financial Management: By focusing on same-day payments, practices can more accurately predict their revenue and manage their finances more effectively.

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